Square One: Pre-launch Page Live And Gift For Our Ambassadors

New Chapter In The Project L Universe!

Hey everyone!

We are excited to announce that Square One is coming to Kickstarter on 23rd of April and the pre-launch page is up and running right now. Make sure to head over there and sign up for “notify me on launch!” to stay in the loop and not miss out on the action!

Notify me on launch!

An Exclusive Gift for Our Ambassadors!🎁

With the campaign we are also rolling out another exclusive Ambassador pack, featuring a Joker sequence and a unique Joker token. Which our beloved ambassadors will get for FREE! 

These Ambassador Packs are our way of paying back for the loyalty and support . Each pack not only enriches the gameplay experience but also brings new dimensions to our games. Square One Ambassador Pack is no exception. 

To become and ambassador you have to do one of two things: 

  • Be subscribed to our newsletter before the campaign starts
  • Be a backer of any previous campaign that we did

If you did either of those, we will have a pack with your name on it waiting for you!

What To Expect In Upcoming Weeks

Right now we eagerly await the arrival of the prototypes. With them in hand we will be able to showcase the game in closer detail. So stay tuned for the upcoming updates, where you can expect: 

  • The gameplay of Square One and what it brings to the table compared to Project L
  • What to expect in the box and how is the game built
  • Maybe even a giveaway along the way 👀

Getting as much information about the game to you, before the campaign launches is crucial. We are well aware of that. That’s why we’ve also partnered with some brilliant souls in the BG world! 

You can look forward to seeing previews, playthroughs and how-to-plays from:  

  • A die-hard fan of Project L Mark Streed of Dice Tower.
  • Author of the original Project L rules Paul Grogen of Gaming Rules!
  • Smiling radish eating Jesse Anderson of Quackalope. 
  • And last but not least Alex Radcliff of Boardgameco.
Give us a hug!